Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Russian culture

Russian culture is associated with the country of Russia and, sometimes, specifically with ethnic Russians. It has a rich history and can boast a long tradition of excellence in every aspect of the arts, especially when it comes to literature and philosophy, classical music and ballet, architecture and painting, cinema  and animation, which all had considerable influence on the world culture. The country also has a rich material culture and a strong tradition in technology.

Художник Алексей Венецианов.Спящий пастушок

Artist Ilya Repin.Zaprozhe Cossacks Writing a Letter to the Turkish Sultan
Художник Илья Репин.Запорожцы пишут письмо турецкому султану

 Художник Иван Шишкин .Рожь

Художник Исаак Левитан, Озеро. Русь.

Artist Valentin Serov, A Girl with Peaches 1887
Художник Валентин Серов, Девочка с персиками 1987

Artist Zinaida SerebryakovaSelf-Portrait, 1909
Художник Зинаида Серебрякова   Автопортрет, 1909

 Художник Кузьма Петров-Водкин. Мать.1915


Admiralty building



Soviet Political Art

Valentina Kulagina, “International Working Women’s Day is the day of judging of socialist competition,” 1930.

 Soviet Political Art

Soviet Political Art

The arts and politics

A strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power.

Augustus of Primaporta

Ivan Shadr.The Cobbleston Is The Weapon Of The Proletariat
Иван Шадр.Булыжник оружие пролетариата.

Vera Mukhina, Worker and Collective Farm Worker, 1937
Вера Мухина. Рабочий и колхозница.1937
Павильоны СССР и Германии на Всемирной выставке 1937 г. в Париже.

Vera Mukhina

Worker and Kolkhoz Woman monument on the reconstructed pavilion of the World's Fair of 1937 in paris - now in the entrance of the exhibition center.Moscow.
Родина мать.

Completed in 1967, the statue "Motherland is Calling" is 52 metres high (171 feet), made of 7900 tons of reinforced concrete. The sword is made of stainless steel, 29 metres long and weighs 14 tons.

Pablo Picasso Guernica

Fine Art Gallery

Natella Konstantinova

Natella Konstantinova

Natella Konstantinova

Natella Konstantinova

Fine Art Gallery
The gallery exhibits modern and contemporary art.
Original Art and Art Prints.
Washington, DC

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Natella Konstantinova

Natella Konstantinova

The George Washington University, Syracuse University - Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.

Fine Art Gallery
The gallery exhibits modern and contemporary art.
Original Art and Art Prints.
Washington, DC